A peace bond, which is different than a family court restraining order, a court order made by a judge or justice of the peace that requires a person to keep the peace, be of good behaviour and obey any other conditions ordered by the Criminal Court. A peace bond is sometimes called a “no contact order” or an “810” (referring to section 810 of the Criminal Code) outlining procedures for peace bonds.
Peace bonds in Bayview Villlage can be issued for up to one year under the Canadian Criminal Code and for longer under the Court’s common law. In practice, however, most peace bonds are issued for one year. Owing to the fact that a peace bond is issued under the federal Criminal Code, it is valid in every province and territory.
Although a Bayview Village peace bond is obtained through Criminal Court, it is not a criminal conviction, and a person agreeing to enter into a peace bond does not have a criminal record. However, if a peace bond in Bayview Village is issued under the Criminal Code, a violation or breach of the bond or any of its conditions is a criminal offence.
Peace bonds are not family law restraining orders. For more information on how to protect yourself from an abusive spouse or partner, contact one of our experienced family lawyers, who can provide information, advice and practical tips to help you prepare your protect yourself from an abusive partner. Check out our Restraining Orders page.